Good Shepard Coalition Super Euchre
St Hubert/St Louis Knights of Columbus is hosting a Super Euchre Party to benefit Good Shepherd Coalition on Friday February 28, 2025
Doors open at 6 PM
Dinner at 6:30 PM
Euchre starts at 7 PM
Admission $30
St. Hubert Catholic Church, 38775 Prentiss in Harrison Twp
(Near Metro Pkwy and Jefferson)
All you Euchre players come on out and have a super time as we support a super organization!

2024 Holiday Craft Fair @ St. Martin de Porres
the 2024 holiday craft fair at st. martin de porres includes:
bake sale / cake raffles
santas wonderland
variety of amazing crafters
come enjoy awesome food, free admission, and great christmas shopping
for more information please contact Maribeth (586) 855-8556

Introductory Bible Study @ St. Thecla
Come and join this introductory bible Study. in this five week course, we will learn how the words of scripture offer us salvation and new life. We will learn how we got the Bible, the different genres of biblical literature and more. We will watch video presentations from Dr. Scott Hahn and other great professors from the St. Paul center

Introductory Bible Study @ St. Thecla
Come and join this introductory bible Study. in this five week course, we will learn how the words of scripture offer us salvation and new life. We will learn how we got the Bible, the different genres of biblical literature and more. We will watch video presentations from Dr. Scott Hahn and other great professors from the St. Paul center

Introductory Bible Study @ St. Thecla
Come and join this introductory bible Study. in this five week course, we will learn how the words of scripture offer us salvation and new life. We will learn how we got the Bible, the different genres of biblical literature and more. We will watch video presentations from Dr. Scott Hahn and other great professors from the St. Paul center

Introductory Bible Study @ St. Thecla
Come and join this introductory bible Study. in this five week course, we will learn how the words of scripture offer us salvation and new life. We will learn how we got the Bible, the different genres of biblical literature and more. We will watch video presentations from Dr. Scott Hahn and other great professors from the St. Paul center

Introductory Bible Study @ St. Thecla
Come and join this introductory bible Study. in this five week course, we will learn how the words of scripture offer us salvation and new life. We will learn how we got the Bible, the different genres of biblical literature and more. We will watch video presentations from Dr. Scott Hahn and other great professors from the St. Paul center

St. Martin de Porres Rummage Sale
Drop off dates for the st. Martin De Porres rummage sale are as follows:
thursday, July 18 @ 10:00am - 4:00pm
friday, July 19 @ 10:00am - 4:00pm
saturday, july 20 @ 10:00am - 4:00pm
start cleaning out your closets and get ready to donate your gently used items!

St. Blase Golf Outing
Register now at the St. Blase Parish Office by July 15th
$100 Per Person

St. Martin de Porres Spring Card Party
St. Martin de Porres is hosting a Spring Card Party at the Parish Center on April 19th!
$15/Person and includes lunch!
Basket Raffle
Ticket Deadline is april 14th / please call dolores goniweicha (586) 268 - 8805
Doors open at 11:30am and lunch will be served at noon

St. Malachy Reverse Raffle
Contact: Wally Papciak - (586) 481 - 6833 to purchase a ticket or at the St. Malachy Front Office
Doors Open at 5:30pm
Dinner at 6:30pm
Drawing Starts at 7:30pm
Ticket Includes:
Admission for 1
Dinner, Beer, Wine, Set ups & Raffle
1st Ticket Drawn Pays $125
20th Ticket Drawn & Every 20th up to 180 pays $75
Last 10 ticket holders may split

St. Thecla Bible Study
Every Wednesday from January 17th - March 27th
St. Thecla presents “James Pearls for Wise Living Bible Study”
Presented by Jeff Cavins and Sarah Christmyer

St. Thecla Bible Study
Every Wednesday from January 17th - March 27th
St. Thecla presents “James Pearls for Wise Living Bible Study”
Presented by Jeff Cavins and Sarah Christmyer

St. Thecla Bible Study
Every Wednesday from January 17th - March 27th
St. Thecla presents “James Pearls for Wise Living Bible Study”
Presented by Jeff Cavins and Sarah Christmyer

St. Thecla Parish Mission
St. Thecla’s Parish Mission
“Jesus: Healer, Redeemer, God and Man”
Each evening includes:
Eucharistic Adoration
Praise and Worship Music
Intercessory Prayer
Food and Fellowship
Presented by Encounter Ministries
Speaker: Sarah Kaczmarek
Worship Leader: Jacob Wenzel
St. Thecla Parish Mission
St. Thecla’s Parish Mission
“Jesus: Healer, Redeemer, God and Man”
Each evening includes:
Eucharistic Adoration
Praise and Worship Music
Intercessory Prayer
Food and Fellowship
Presented by Encounter Ministries
Speaker: Sarah Kaczmarek
Worship Leader: Jacob Wenzel

St. Thecla Bible Study
Every Wednesday from January 17th - March 27th
St. Thecla presents “James Pearls for Wise Living Bible Study”
Presented by Jeff Cavins and Sarah Christmyer

St. Thecla Parish Mission
St. Thecla’s Parish Mission
“Jesus: Healer, Redeemer, God and Man”
Each evening includes:
Eucharistic Adoration
Praise and Worship Music
Intercessory Prayer
Food and Fellowship
Presented by Encounter Ministries
Speaker: Sarah Kaczmarek
Worship Leader: Jacob Wenzel

St. Thecla Bible Study
Every Wednesday from January 17th - March 27th
St. Thecla presents “James Pearls for Wise Living Bible Study”
Presented by Jeff Cavins and Sarah Christmyer

St. Thecla Bible Study
Every Wednesday from January 17th - March 27th
St. Thecla presents “James Pearls for Wise Living Bible Study”
Presented by Jeff Cavins and Sarah Christmyer

St. Thecla Bible Study
Every Wednesday from January 17th - March 27th
St. Thecla presents “James Pearls for Wise Living Bible Study”
Presented by Jeff Cavins and Sarah Christmyer

St. Thecla Bible Study
Every Wednesday from January 17th - March 27th
St. Thecla presents “James Pearls for Wise Living Bible Study”
Presented by Jeff Cavins and Sarah Christmyer

The John F. Kennedy Knights of Columbus Polish Dinner Charity Fundraiser
Benefits ALS of Michigan Capuchin Soup Kitchen
Homemade Polish Food!
-Kielbasa, Kapusta, Pierogi, Golabki, Czarnina, Cabbage Soup, Mashed Potatoes, Coffee & Tea
Donation of $17 to donate or for more information contact Wally Papciak at (586) 481 - 6833
50/50 Prize Raffle and Carry Out’s Available!
33320 Kelly Road
Clinton Township, MI

St. Thecla Bible Study
Every Wednesday from January 17th - March 27th
St. Thecla presents “James Pearls for Wise Living Bible Study”
Presented by Jeff Cavins and Sarah Christmyer

St. Thecla Bible Study
Every Wednesday from January 17th - March 27th
St. Thecla presents “James Pearls for Wise Living Bible Study”
Presented by Jeff Cavins and Sarah Christmyer